Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Handbell Musicians of America

The wait is over and the proposed new look for the organization has been revealed. AGEHR will be the Handbell Musicians of America.

A big part of the new direction being undertaken by the Guild is to recognize ourselves as musicians to be taken seriously by the music world at large. The fabulous concerts at this year’s Pinnacle have proven that we hold a solid place as musicians to be respected. And the name of the organization will reflect that attitude.

More information about the exciting new future for our art and our organization will appear on these pages as the news evolves.


  1. This is brilliant, fabulous, excellent news. I feel certain that those things I hold so dear about this organization will remain true - that we bring so many people together in so much accord for so much musical success. I feel certain that this new structure, new naming, and new vision will bring more and more to all. Congratulations to John and the national board, Jenny and the national office, and all who now benefit from this new vision.

  2. I am excited about the changes in the organization & look forward to what the future holds. :-)
